Zero Waste Event Volunteer Guide

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What is a Zero Waste Event Volunteer?

Zero Waste event volunteers are responsible for maintaining Zero Waste stations and educating attendees about proper sorting. The purpose of this volunteer position is to reduce contamination and spread the word about your Zero Waste efforts. Other tasks that may be applicable include sign or banner hanging, hauling and sorting materials, tracking waste generation, washing reusable serviceware, and/or helping plan and coordinate Zero Waste systems for the event.

These volunteers are essential to the success of Zero Waste event efforts, especially at large events! It is critical that this volunteer team is well-staffed and that they are properly trained, compensated, and thanked.


Tips for Event Organizers



  • Hire or assign a volunteer coordinator to recruit, train, and oversee Zero Waste volunteers

  • Determine volunteer tasks and consider any volunteer requirements. Will volunteers need to use their own vehicle to haul materials to a recycling or compost drop off? Will they need specific tools or training to track & measure waste volumes? Do they need special equipment to wash dishes, sort materials, or move bins? Etc.

  • Come up with an incentive or compensation for Zero Waste volunteers. This could be free admission to the event, food and/or beverage vouchers, event merchandise, or some other small (preferably Zero Waste) gift.

  • Determine how volunteers will be trained. Zero Waste volunteers need to know ahead of time what the event’s main waste streams will be and how to sort them (the types of containers used by vendors, materials that will be handed out or sold at the event, etc.). It is a good idea to host an orientation or training sessions to ensure volunteers are familiar with the Zero Waste stations, how to sort, and any other necessary information to complete their tasks.

  • Create a volunteer/shift schedule. Decide the number of volunteers you want at any given time. During high-traffic times throughout the event, a good rule of thumb is to plan for at least 1 volunteer per Zero Waste station.

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Volunteer Recruitment

  • Create a volunteer position description including the following details: (Click here to view a sample Zero Waste volunteer description)

    • Event details (location, date, time, and a little blurb about the event)

    • Volunteer tasks (setting up and maintaining Zero Waste stations, educating guests about proper Zero Waste station usage, tracking waste generation, washing dishes, hanging signs, etc.)

    • Any requirements for volunteers (personal vehicle for hauling waste, ability to lift certain amount of weight, etc.)

    • Volunteer orientation/training date

    • Volunteer shifts & schedule

    • Instructions for signing up

    • Volunteer coordinator contact info

    • Volunteer incentive/reward (such as free admission to event, food/beverage vouchers, etc.)

  • Create a volunteer sign up form. You can create paper forms, or use online programs like Google Forms, Google Sheets, Sign Up Genius, Submittable, etc.

  • Share the volunteer opportunity with the community. Suggested marketing avenues include:

  • Follow up with volunteers once they sign up. Remind them of important dates, like the orientation date and their shift times.



  • Create a volunteer packet with all the important information, including task instructions or shift checklist, Zero Waste station locations, event schedule, volunteer shift schedule, volunteer coordinator contact information, etc. Make this digitally accessible or provide hard copies for volunteers.

  • Host a Zero Waste volunteer orientation to go over important information, such as:

    • Zero Waste station location & set up

    • Expected waste streams at the event and how to sort

    • Where to find extra bags, gloves, waste pickers, etc.

    • How to replace bags and where to put full waste bags

    • How to track/measure waste generation

    • Where/how to collect and wash reusable dishes

    • Any other pertinent details, like bathroom locations, water stations, information table, etc.*
      *It is common for guests to ask Zero Waste volunteers about other event information, like where to buy merchandise, where the bathrooms are, etc. - try to provide some resources ahead of time to help volunteers answer these questions.


During Event

  • Make sure someone (preferably the volunteer coordinator, or other event staff) is present and available to answer questions throughout the volunteer shifts. Check on Zero Waste stations & volunteers periodically.

  • If possible, give a shout out to the Zero Waste volunteers during announcements or presentations.

  • Give volunteers their gifts (event pass, drink tickets, merch, etc.) and be sure to thank them!


  • Ask for volunteer feedback, either through a survey or a conversation. Ask what went well, what could be improved, how guests responded to the Zero Waste systems, unexpected challenges, and overall impressions.

  • Send a follow up thank you to volunteers, and if appropriate, provide information about upcoming events & opportunities.

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