Household Chemical Facility Material Guide

Before making your reservation please review the guide below to ensure that material you have can be accepted at the Household Chemical Collection and Reuse Facility (HCF).

Materials not accepted by the hcf

The following materials are NOT-ACCEPTED at the facility. If you have one of these materials, please utilize the available links below to find out what you can do to reuse or dispose of these items.

  • Adhesives, glues

  • Ammunition, black powder, gun powder, fireworks, flares, or other explosives

  • Antifreeze

  • Asbestos-containing waste

  • Auto Oils - used or new engine oil, transmission fluids, hydraulic oil, etc.

  • Batteries

  • Business, school, or industrial waste

  • Compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) or fluorescent tube bulbs

  • Consumer electronics

  • Empty containers and empty aerosol cans

  • Freon, refrigerants

  • Household cleaners, soaps, floor waxes, detergents, etc.

  • Latex-based or water-based paints, stains, or driveway sealers. If the label says “latex, acrylic latex, water-based latex, water-based acrylic, clean up with soap and water” etc. we will not take it at the collection center. These items may be accepted at Home ReSource as a donation. If not accepted by Home ReSource, these products can be dried out and discarded. See a demo video here!

  • Medical waste, prescription medications

  • Radioactive waste, TENORM

materials accepted by the hcf facility


  • Products listed as “flammable” or “combustible”. Common products include aerosol spray paint (limit of 5 per visit), brake fluid, brush cleaners, butane, diesel fuel, epoxy resins, gasoline*, kerosene, lamp oil, lighter fluid, methanol (windshield wiper fluid), methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), mineral spirits, oil-based paints and stains, paint thinner, xylene, toluene, turpentine, varnish, etc.

 *Due to the volatile nature of this product, it must be contained in a suitable, hard plastic or metal container 5 gallons or less in size, sealed and labeled as ’gasoline’. The container cannot be returned.

  • Chlorinated solvents / toxics:

These are commonly used as engine degreasers, spot removal agents, stain removers, paint strippers, spray fixatives, polishes, and brake cleaners. Read labels and look for those containing dichloromethane (also known as methylene chloride), perchloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene, TCE, ethylene dichloride, formaldehyde, trichlorethane, methyl iodide, copper naphthenate (wood preservative) and others.

  • Poisons / Pesticides* / Herbicides / Fungicides:

    There are a wide-ranging list of chemicals in this category, and can include ant killers, chlordane, neonicotinoids, pyrethroids, Sevin, RAID, organophosphates (chlorpyrifos, diazinon, malathion, etc.), organochlorines (DDT, dieldrin, aldrin, toxaphene), Ortho Groundclear, 2,4-D, glyphosate (RoundUp), copper sulfate, sulfonylurea, etc.    

    *No commercial-grade or “restricted-use pesticides (RUPs) allowed

  • Acids / Bases / Corrosives:

    Drain-clearing and fish tank/pool chemicals such as muriatic acid, hydrochloric acid, Drano, ammonia, sodium hydroxide, lye, metal cleaners, oven cleaner, etc.

  • Oxidizers:

    Common examples include pool disinfectants such as chlorine bleach (sodium or calcium hypochlorite), bleaching/whitening agents (Salon Care Crème Developer) ammonium nitrate fertilizers, deck wash, tree root/stump killer, epoxy hardeners/activators/catalysts, products that contain nitrates, nitrites, permanganates, dichromates, persulfates, iodates, percarbonates, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, sodium or potassium dichloroisocyanurates, etc.

  • Mercury-containing products:

    Products include thermostats, thermometers, etc. Only intact non-leaking mercury-containing products accepted. Transport in a sealed leak-proof container or zip-lock bag. Limit of 1 per visit.

  • PCB Ballasts:

    Fluorescent light ballasts manufactured prior to 1979 may contain PCBs. All ballasts must be separated from the lighting unit. Only non-leaking ballasts accepted. Limit of 1 per visit.